Dumbbell French Press
Exercise Tutorial and Form Tips
By: Jeremy Fox, CNC, CPT – Published: July 17, 2023
The French press is a triceps isolation exercise that requires proper technique to avoid injury and maximize muscle activation.
This article offers step-by-step instructions for performing a dumbbell French press in a standing or seated position with one or two dumbbells.
What Is the French Press Exercise?
The French press is a weightlifting exercise that focuses on the triceps muscles. It can be performed using either a barbell or dumbbell(s), depending on personal preference and available equipment.
This exercise targets the triceps by holding the weight overhead and lowering it behind the neck. Moreover, the upright body position targets specific parts of the triceps.
Dumbbell French Press Muscles Worked
The triceps muscle has three parts: the lateral, medial, and long heads. During the French press exercise, the lateral and medial heads are primarily targeted, while the long head is used to a lesser extent.
In addition, the upright body position results in higher resistance when your tricep is in the stretched position, further isolating the outer heads.
Dumbbell French Press Benefits & Limitations
The dumbbell French press isolates the medial and lateral heads for outer tricep growth and develops the characteristic horseshoe shape. Additionally, this exercise can be modified to use one arm at a time or hold a dumbbell in each hand.
However, overdoing the exercise can cause elbow pain due to the stress on the tricep tendon. And the single joint movement with relatively light weight means this exercise is not ideal for power building.
- Isolates outer tricep (medial/lateral heads)
- Good for developing shape and definition
- Multiple variations to fit your equipment & needs
- Can aggravate elbow joint
- Not a power movement
How to Do A Dumbbell French Press
In this section, I will guide you through the steps to perform a standing dumbbell French Press with one dumbbell. Start by gripping the dumbbell with both hands and lifting it to your shoulder.
Position both hands on the inside face of the top end, overlapping your fingers and thumbs. Lift the dumbbell overhead by extending your arms but keep your elbows slightly bent.
Slowly lower the dumbbell behind your head by bending your arms. Continue lowering the dumbbell until your arms are bent at least 90 degrees, and you feel a good stretch in your triceps.
Then, extend your arms and press the dumbbell back to the starting position. Repeat this movement for the desired number of repetitions, usually 8-12 reps, to promote muscle growth.
Rest the dumbbell on your shoulder while positioning your hands palms up on the inside of the top end. Overlap your fingers and thumbs so the dumbbell handle is grasped firmly between your hands.
To summarize, here are the steps to perform the dumbbell French press:
- Lift the dumbbell to your shoulder.
- Position both hands on the inside of the weight.
- Raise the dumbbell overhead with slightly bent elbows.
- Lower it behind your head until your triceps stretch.
- Extend your arms to lift the dumbbell back up.
- Repeat for desired repetitions.
60-Second Dumbbell French Press Video Demo
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Dumbbell French Press Form
The video and description above provide a good starting point for performing the French press effectively. Here are some additional tips to ensure proper form and safe execution.
- Warm up properly and start with lighter weights to ensure your tricep tendon is ready.
- Keep your elbows pinned in place while performing the exercise so the tricep muscle produces all of the movement.
- Do not excessively flare your elbows out to the sides as you lower the weight.
This image shows that my elbows move slightly forward within the green circle as I lower the weight. But my tricep remains in the same position relative to my head, which means the movement is caused by forward body lean to offset the weight of the dumbbell moving back.
Dumbbell French Press Variations
There are several ways to perform the dumbbell French press, so let’s explore them now.
Seated Dumbbell French Press
The seated dumbbell French press isolates the upper body while reducing lower body movement. An upright bench can provide additional back support.
Single Arm Dumbbell French Press
The single-arm dumbbell French press is a unilateral exercise that allows you to focus on one muscle at a time. Additionally, the single dumbbell permits you to change the movement path to go straight back or across the body.
Dual Arm Dumbbell French Press
You can perform the French press with one dumbbell in each hand to force each arm to work separately and prevent imbalances.
Dumbbell French Press Alternatives
Several exercises target the triceps similarly to the dumbbell French press but use different equipment or body positions. You can substitute these exercises for the French press or occasionally rotate them to add variety to your workouts.
Barbell French Press
The barbell French press can be performed using a standard straight bar or an EZ curl bar. This equipment offers a wider range of hand positions, from a narrow grip to a wide grip.
Typically, the barbell French press is done with an overhand grip with hands 6-12 inches apart, but you can experiment with different widths or an underhand grip.
Cable French Press
The cable French press is an overhead tricep extension exercise that involves standing with your back to a cable machine. You can use a bar or rope attachment to adjust your hand position.
Depending on your equipment and preferences, this variation can also be done with a low pulley or bent over with a high pulley.
Dumbbell Skull Crushers
Dumbbell skull crushers are a version of the lying tricep extension exercise, which targets your arm muscles similar to the overhead French press. It is typically done with a dumbbell in each hand.
Incline Dumbbell Skull Crushers
You can also perform dumbbell skull crushers while lying on an incline bench. The angle of the incline dumbbell skull crusher is better for targeting the medial and lateral heads like the French press.
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More Tricep Exercises
Now you know how to do the French press exercise for targeted tricep gains. But a well-rounded arm workout should also include exercises for the triceps’ long head.
So here are some more helpful articles to help you create the ultimate arm-building workout.
Skull Crusher Alternatives for Huge Triceps
13 Lateral Head Tricep Exercises
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